
state of readiness中文是什么意思

  • 准备状态



  • 例句与用法
  • They were at the sharpest state of readiness , right on schedule
  • In a state of readiness to act or move the sick man is poised between life and death
    准备行动的” ,除此之外,还有1 “在不稳定状态中的
  • The simmering heat maintains the sauna heater in a constant state of readiness . the sauna is always ready to welcome you
  • In the public hospital system , dr yeoh said the hospital authority ( ha ) was in the state of readiness to prepare itself for any possible re - emergence of sars
  • Infomania means that they lose concentration as their minds remain fixed in an almost permanent state of readiness to react to technology instead of focusing on the task in hand
  • Since october we have been conducting drills , some in conjunction with business partners , to ensure that staff and facilities are in a state of readiness and the emergency procedures are improved upon
  • Since october we have been conducting drills , some in conjunction with business partners , to ensure that staff and facilities are in a state of readiness and the emergency procedures are improved upon
  • My purpose , in short , is to have all things in an absolutely perfect state of readiness for diana and mary before next thursday ; and my ambition is to give them a beau - ideal of a welcome when they come
    总之,我的目的是下星期四黛安娜和玛丽到家之前,使一切都安排得妥妥贴贴。我的雄心就是她们到时给予最理想的欢迎。 ”
  • In order to prevent managers and colleagues underestimate their abilities , i immediately adjusted the work of the state , 200 percent of a good spirit , all the nerve cells have entered the special state of readiness
  • The rainstorm warning system is designed to alert the public about the occurrence of heavy rain which is likely to bring about major disruptions , and to ensure a state of readiness within the essential services to deal with emergencies
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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